We are all in a race, but it's not a sprint; it's a marathon, and it's not a solo race; it's a relay race. And … it is an eternal race, as well. Our commitment is to run our race in such a manner that our Lord will be pleased as we hand the baton off to those around us, as well as to the following generations.
We want your handoff to be a solid one, so join us as we take scripture passages or storylines from the Bible, and mine out all the pearls the Holy Spirit has for us, so that we bring Jesus into the details of our day to day lives.
17 episodes
Are you ready to hand off the baton? (250318)
Paul says to imitate him in the way you live your life. Wow. Are you even close to living like that? Is the example you are living leaving the legacy you want others to know? Join us in this discussion today as we all lo...
Season 2025
Episode 318

Handing off the baton...are you? (250311C)
We continue talking about handing off the baton. In other words, what kind of legacy are you leaving, and does it point to a faithful walk with Jesus? Join us as we move into the book of Timothy, the hand-off led by Paul, and the ch...
Season 2025
Episode 317

Are we making a difference? (250311B)
Is the way you live your own life leaving an impression and impact on those that you love and surround you? Is it a positive legacy or something other? In this episode, we continue digging through Deuteronomy to discover how relevan...
Season 2025
Episode 311

The Legacy that we leave (250311)
This "race" that we are running. Does it matter? Is it getting you anywhere? Are you leaving a legacy? In this episode, we dig into Deuteronomy and learn how relevant it still is to us now!
Season 2025
Episode 311

Living with the Power of the Holy Spirit...in you! (250304)
What does living with the power of the Holy Spirit look like? In this episode, we continue to dig into the Book of Acts and read in the scriptures about how the power of the Holy Spirit worked in and through the Apostles. This ...
Season 2025
Episode 304

What is the difference between the knowledge of God and knowing God? (250225)
We continue to work through knowing God and our understanding of living in the power of the Holy Spirit. Do we just know about God? Are we living in the full power and influence of the Holy Spirit at an intimate level where every th...
Season 2025
Episode 225

Living (listening) in the Holy Spirit (250218)
Maybe a warning? Are we listening to the Holy Spirit? And if we hear the Holy Spirit speak to us, how do we respond? And more importantly, does our fruit reflect living in the Holy Spirit? In this episode, we dig these q...
Season 2025
Episode 218

Receiving the Holy Spirit? (250211)
We continue our discussion in Acts...and we get to the part where we deal with receiving the Holy Spirit...and our repentance. We talk about the condition of the heart and how we are motivated by it in our walk of faith. How ...
Season 2025
Episode 211

What do I do? ...living in the power of Holy Spirit! (250204)
Is our walk based on our head knowledge of Jesus or is it driven by the guidance and inspiration of the holy spirit? How do you know? How serious is your walk with Jesus? Join us in this episode!
Season 2025
Episode 204

Hardships? We count them but joy....or do we? (250128)
When we encounter hardships or struggles, do we give thanks to our Father? Or, do we see them as some kind of punishment? How do we deal with the hardship in our lives? Give thanks in all circumstances...wow? Join us in ...
Season 2025
Episode 128

Why does discipline hurt? ...or does it? (250121)
As we work through Hebrews 12 and dig out what it means to be disciplined by the Lord, we start to ask (and understand) why it can be hard to experience being disciplined by the Lord. And then, to really come to know how much we are loved...
Season 2025
Episode 121

Discipline? How do we run the Race with Discipline? (250114)
As we continue to dig out the nuggets of truths in Hebrews 12, we now dive into understanding what it means to be disciplined by the Lord. Does this hurt? And why would our loving Father do this if he loves us?
Season 2025
Episode 114

Running the Race with Endurance (250107)
How do you run a race without giving out before the end? ...or handing off the baton without slowing down the running to receive it? What keeps us from running at our full potential? How does fortitude and grit fit into the eq...
Season 2025
Episode 114

What is keeping up from moving forward? (25004)
We're in Hebrew 12 digging out what it means to run with endurance, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus. But now we hear and are asked to wait on the Lord....to wait to receive God's guidance. But how do we run and wait at the same time...
Season 2025
Episode 4

This Race We're Running...but the handoff? (25003)
We run with endurance...but what are the obstacles and distractions that impact this race? And, what does sin have to do with running this race?
Season 2025
Episode 3

The Pursuit of Rightousness! (25002)
We continue to work out what it means in Hebrews 12 to run this race with endurance....fixing our eyes on Jesus. So, we pick up with our discussion on "wisdom" and what it means in our daily walk and our pursuit of righteousness.
Season 2025
Episode 2