We are all in a race, but it's not a sprint; it's a marathon, and it's not a solo race; it's a relay race. And … it is an eternal race, as well. Our commitment is to run our race in such a manner that our Lord will be pleased as we hand the baton off to those around us, as well as to the following generations.
We want your handoff to be a solid one, so join us as we take scripture passages or storylines from the Bible, and mine out all the pearls the Holy Spirit has for us, so that we bring Jesus into the details of our day to day lives.
What is the difference between the knowledge of God and knowing God? (250225)
We continue to work through knowing God and our understanding of living in the power of the Holy Spirit. Do we just know about God? Are we living in the full power and influence of the Holy Spirit at an intimate level where every thought, decision and step is guided by the Holy Spirit? Join us and share the episode link with a friend!